Snap Says That Snapchat Redesign is Here to Stay

Snap Says That Snapchat Redesign is Here to Stay

SAN FRANCISCO – Snap’s Snapchat underwent a lot of changes these past weeks. The multimedia application released a new interface design as well as its newest Snap Store. Evan Spiegel, Snapchat’s CEO, defended the changes and said that people should get used to it.

A lot of users seem to be complaining about the changes in the multimedia application. Most of them do not like the new interface of Snapchat. Yet, Evan Spiegel expressed that what Snap was trying to do is to stress the difference in ideas of communication and broadcasting.

At the Goldman Sachs Internet & Technology Conference, Even Spiegel also stated in his defense that these changes in the application take a person some time to learn and get used to. He believes that learning should be the key and only people can do it for themselves.

Moreover, the frustrations he sees over the application also serve as validations of the changes made.

Snapchat is facing a lot of backlash with its latest update. Users do not seem to appreciate significant changes made like the interface, merchandise store, and others. Despite the backslash, the company still consider the feedback as a validation from the users.

With the new Snap Store, people also perceived that the application is already for selling and making more profit.

The multimedia application is facing a lot of shifts and competition. Other social media platforms already released their own ‘story’ recording to compete with the application – Instagram is one of the good examples.

Snapchat is also sure to undergo a lot of changes in a few weeks or months. There is no concrete timeframe as to when exactly these tweaks will end. For now, the current look and design of the application are here to stay.

Even though negative feedback about the application is present, Snapchat is not considering reverting the differences made. In fact, the company will proceed marketing and continue innovating the multimedia application.

The company is testing all the significant changes made first to determine if these new features will bring more users or subscribers. They aim to determine if the said changes will warrant a continuous user growth and engagement. Snap is looking for substantial feedback and turnarounds before making permanent decisions about the application – as to whether they will shift to the old, continue to the present, or rebuild anew.