Attorney General Jeff Sessions Grilled in Trump-Russia Review

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Grilled in Trump-Russia Review

LONDON – Attorney General Jeff Sessions underwent an interview with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director, Robert Mueller. The said interview tackled Russia’s involvement in the concluded 2016 US elections.

Earlier this month, the issue about Russia’s meddling in the 2016 elections arose. The issue was specific to the alleged Moscow involvement in aiding now United States (US) President, Donald Trump, win the said presidential elections.

Robert Mueller expressed that there has been a key witness during the June 2016 meeting held at the Trump Tower. Trump’s senior campaign officials and a Russian lawyer who was said to be connected to the Kremlin were in the alleged meeting.

Moreover, Donald Trump Jr. allegedly appeared in the meeting after being presented with injurious information against Hilary Clinton.

In line with the issue, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has long been a key person in the said Trump-Russia investigation. In fact, in March 2017, Sessions recused himself from the said investigation after it was disclosed that he had meetings with the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kisylak, during the time of the 2016 Presidential Election campaigns.

Sessions, a former Senator from Alabama, endorsed Trump for the presidency in February 2016. He was one of the key people to have supported Trump during the said campaign.

Sessions recusing himself angered Trump. He then criticized the Attorney General time and again. In fact, Trump called Sessions a very weak attorney general and said that his decision to recuse is very unfair to him as the President of the United States.

Mueller’s interview with Sessions took several hours. This is the first time that someone from the cabinet of Trump has been interviewed. The said interview focused on the Kremlin’s involvement during the 2016 campaign as well as the hacking of the emails of the Democratic party members.

President Trump also gained scrutiny for pressuring James Comey, former FBI Director, to put a halt on the investigation into Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor. This was in line with Comey’s testimony to the Congress in 2017.

Mueller, with the information he has, led to charges filed against Flynn for lying to the Bureau; and Paul Manafort and Rick Gates for money laundering and conspiracy. Both belonged to President Trump’s campaign team.

Jeffrey Sessions’ interview may also lead to discussions about Comey’s discharge from service. Yet, because of his recusal from the investigation, the special counsel is offered to his deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein.