YouTuber Logan Paul Gets Twitter Backlash From Star Sophie Turner

YouTuber Logan Paul Gets Twitter Backlash From Star Sophie Turner

YouTube personality Logan Paul recently caught the attention of “Game of Thrones” star Sophie Turner after posting a now-deleted suicide-mocking video in his channel.

Turner condemned Paul via her Twitter account for posting a suicide victim’s body. Even after Paul apologized on Twitter for his decision to upload that video, Turner criticized him and called his apology as “self-praising.”

Paul’s bump in the road all started when he took a video of himself with his friends in Japan’s Aokigahara, a place known as the “suicide forest.” They were wandering around the place when they came across a dead body hanging.

The social media figure who has more than 15 million subscribers was quick to capture the suicide victim’s body in the video. The camera zoomed in on different parts of the man’s body while Paul made comments about the gravity of suicide in between shots. Paul was also seen cracking jokes or laughing in the video which greatly left viewers appalled with his reactions.

It didn’t take long for the controversial video to spread like wildfire, reaching several media outlets, fellow social media stars, and even Hollywood celebrities.

Paul said in his apology that he didn’t upload the video for the views. Instead, his intention was to raise awareness for suicide and suicide prevention. However, Turner believes otherwise. According to her, Paul’s move to upload was not an awareness campaign but a mockery to those who are suffering from suicidal tendencies.

Aside from Turner, the YouTuber also received backlash from “Breaking Bad” actor Aaron Paul and “You Get Me” Japanese-American actress Anna Akana. While actor Paul called the social media star “pure trash,” Akana shared a snippet about her sister who also committed suicide.

Akana said that one cannot simply claim mental health awareness while filming a dead body in the suicide forest and uploading it on YouTube. Other personalities who slammed Paul over Twitter included Philip DeFranco, Lauren Duca, Ross O’Donovan, and many more.

Paul wrote that this is his first time to receive bad publicity. He then assured his fans that this will not happen again.

To those who are unfamiliar with Paul, he is a YouTube star who first gained popularity back when the platform Vine was still around. He kicked off his social media career with comedy and later on leveled up with brand promotions, music, clothing line, and acting gigs. He appeared in the TV show “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” and in the movie “The Space Between Us.”