Apple Issues Apology for iPhone Slowdown, Provides Resolution

Apple Issues Apology for iPhone Slowdown, Provides Resolution

CUPERTINO, Calif. – Tech giant Apple recently got involved in a controversy after iPhone users discovered that the company had been secretly slowing down older units through software controls.

This issue sparked multiple lawsuits accusing the company of having a ploy to spur upgrades to pricier models. But a week later, Apple issued a formal apology to its customers.

It turns out that the software tweaking was an intervention to prevent older models from unexpectedly shutting down. In a message recently released in their website, Apple started by apologizing to their customers for their way of handling performance issues for iPhones with older batteries. They also addressed the accusation made against them. According to them, they would never try to reduce user experience just to make customers go for an upgrade.

Their apology is then followed by an explanation of the changes that they are making. They explained how batteries age and how it is part of the chemical process that makes all phones work. Customers can learn more about iPhone’s rechargeable battery and the factors affecting its performance by reading through a new support article posted on their site.

Apple then offered a resolution to their customers before concluding their message. They are taking certain steps in an effort to address concerns. First of all, the tech company will lower the price of battery replacements for iPhone 6 and above devices $50. From $79, it will now cost $29. It will be available starting next year up to December 2018.

Their second step is to issue an iOS software update. It will be released sometime in early 2018 and will include new features. They are planning to incorporate a feature that will allow users to see their iPhone’s battery health. Users will then be able to check if their phone’s performance is affected by its condition, or if there is a need to replace the battery.

Lastly, Apple and its team will continue to work in providing the better user experience. They assured that they will make improvements in their way of managing performance and avoiding any shutdowns from happening as batteries get older.

The recent controversy has really affected the customers’ trust tin the company. However, Apple is determined to never cease working to maintain that trust. Fans of the brand will have to stay tuned to see more of what the company is up to next year.